Empowering the Girl Child through Education
India is one of the fastest-growing nations on earth. The United Nations estimates that the population will grow to 1.5 billion by 2030.
Millions of children's likelihood of surviving, developing, and obtaining an education giving them a fair chance in later life are unequally distributed.
Girls have it particularly hard; their mortality rate under six years is 75 per cent higher than for boys. This imbalance starts with the most elementary right to be born at all and to stay alive. Girls are mostly unwanted, especially in low-income families, and their birth is often considered a misfortune by the family. The United Nations describes India as the most dangerous place in the world for girls and women. A good school-leaving certificate is often the only chance for a better and self-determined life.
"We want to help girls shape their future through access to education."
Seven committed sponsors founded the Bennix India Foundation to support girls attending the Michael & John Job Center for Education (www.mjc.ac.in). The school is in the city of Covai in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. As a non-profit and charitable organisation, the Foundation raises donations for sponsorships, individual projects, and larger investments through crowdfunding, exclusively to promote the girls' support, development, and education.
100% of the funds raised go to the school; the donations are not used to for foundation-related admin fees or other expenses.
The History of our Organization
We donate out of gratitude because we are doing well and because we had a comfortable upbringing. We want to strengthen girls in India, give them hope and support them in tackling their lives' challenges. We are committed to projects that promote these causes.

The Michael & John Job Center of Education (www.mjc.ac.in) was founded 15 years ago by Dr PP Job in Coimbatore, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Its purpose is to give girls from difficult and deprived backgrounds access to education and a better life.
The centre comprises a playschool, a primary school and a high school, and a college where they can obtain bachelor and master's degrees. There is also a dormitory on campus where about half the girls of all ages live throughout their education.
Currently, about 1,500 girls aged 6 to 20 from 15 Indian states attend the institution.

The pillar of this education is a value system based on decency, respect, honesty, humanity and faith in God. Religious freedom based on the ecumenical movement prevails at the Michael & John Job Centre.
In addition to the traditional forms of teaching, highly qualified teachers educate the pupils. Virtual learning opportunities and online courses complement this training. Moreover, they learn through practical work in the school's bakery and on the farm about 80 kilometres away, where, in addition to coconuts and fruit, 40 dairy cows also provide for the school's needs.
Year after year the school receives accolades for its excellent leadership and education of the girls.
Sabina came to the orphanage in January 2000 at the age of two and a half. She is one of the first girls the organisation took in. Both parents had died of AIDS. Society considered her a "doubly cursed" child because she was a girl and her parents had died of the dreaded disease. No one was willing to take her in. She was excluded and abandoned by her family and by society.
When we heard about Sabina's situation, one of our staff members fetched her and took her to a hospital. There, an AIDS test showed that she was not infected. This stroke of luck was the first step towards a new future for Sabina.
Today she has a big, growing family around her. Sabina is an intelligent girl full of life, enjoys sports, singing and other activities. She is now growing in the confidence that she belongs somewhere again - with you and us.

Lovis is one of our eighty girls at the orphanage. When she came to us at just over three years old, she was fearful and quiet. She had been a silent witness to her parents' brutal murder, who were Christian leaders killed by a group of dangerous fanatics. Unable to grasp the tragedy's magnitude but filled with grief and pain, Lovis became silent and turned in on herself. She no longer laughed.
At MCJ, everyone did their best to make her cheerful again, but all efforts were in vain. Then Elena, a woman from Norway, visited the orphanage. She asked the founder, Dr P.P. Job, what she could do for the children. He thought of Lovis' sad face and asked her to devote as much time as possible to the girl. Elena spent three months in Coimbatore, helping the staff and spending a lot of time with the children, especially Lovis.
And the unbelievable happened: after three months, her efforts' reward was Lovis' first laugh. Today Lovis is happy and cheerful again like many other children in the home.
We are delighted that you are interested in our work at Bennix India Foundation. There are many ways to support our non-profit organisation, and we greatly appreciate any help. With your contribution, you become a part of our organisation and strengthen our commitment.

You can support the girls at MJC by becoming a sponsor, supporting a specific project, or contributing to our crowdfunding.
Please donate via our donation account:
IBAN: DE76 6035 0130 0001 1141 84
Kreissparkasse Böblingen
All donations are used 100% for sponsorships, the promotion of projects and our crowdfunding platform. Any expenses incurred will be covered privately by us.
Anyone to whom the Bennix India Foundation's purpose is of interest and would like to get involved outside of their financial commitment can become a member of our association. We extend this invitation to both personal membership and membership as a legal entity.
We inform our members about the latest developments at MJC regularly. We invite them to virtual lectures and events, and, of course, allow contact with the girls and the teaching staff and those responsible on-site. All offers are voluntary, of course.
If you want to become a member, you can download the membership form here:

Do you have any queries about our MJC engagement, school topics, sponsorships, projects, crowdfunding, or your involvement? If so, we are more than happy to receive your call or an email:
+49 711 34174333
+49 711 34174335